78 players have been signed up for this competition as of 8:46 PM Sunday 24th November
Keith Airey (Skipton Golf Club) |
Billie Aitken (Ghyll Golf Club) |
John Atkinson (Headley Golf Club) |
Howard Bell (Headley Golf Club) |
Martin Bell (Northcliffe Golf Club) |
Robin Bell (Ganton Golf Club) |
David Benson (Northcliffe Golf Club) |
Graham Blakeley (Headley Golf Club) |
Nigel Boot (Bracken Ghyll Golf Club) |
David Bradley (Bracken Ghyll Golf Club) |
Michael Burton (Bracken Ghyll Golf Club) |
Stephen Chappell (Bracken Ghyll Golf Club) |
James P Clark (Headley Golf Club) |
Geoff Cooke (Bracken Ghyll Golf Club) |
John S Cooke (Clayton Golf Club) |
Martin Cooper (Keighley Golf Club) |
Pete Corry (Ilkley) |
Peter Cowman (Northcliffe Golf Club) |
Charlie Cox (Bracken Ghyll Golf Club) |
Marsden Crane (Branshaw Golf Club) |
Paul Crosby (Ilkley) |
Brian Daniel (Headley Golf Club) |
Paul Davies (Keighley Golf Club) |
Richard Davison (Clayton Golf Club) |
Mick Doull (West Bradford Golf Club) |
John Driver (West Bradford Golf Club) |
Richard Ellis (West Bradford Golf Club) |
David Farnell (West Bradford Golf Club) |
Jack Farnhill (Ghyll Golf Club) |
John Farthing (Bracken Ghyll Golf Club) |
George Hanson (West Bradford Golf Club) |
Simon Heathcote (Bracken Ghyll Golf Club) |
David Hirst (Branshaw Golf Club) |
Jack Hodgson (West Bradford Golf Club) |
John Holdsworth (Northcliffe Golf Club) |
David Hyde (Bracken Ghyll Golf Club) |
Keith Jackson (Headley Golf Club) |
Eric Johnston (Northcliffe Golf Club) |
Graham Jolly (Headley Golf Club) |
Ashley C Kirk (Bradford Moor Golf Club) |
Brian Lamb (Bracken Ghyll Golf Club) |
Alvin Leverton (Ben Rhydding Golf Club) |
Chris Lonsdale (Keighley Golf Club) |
John Lord (Northcliffe Golf Club) |
Bruce MacDonald (Clayton Golf Club) |
Chris Malloy (Northcliffe Golf Club) |
Brian Marsden (West Bradford Golf Club) |
Bill Mason (Headley Golf Club) |
Paul Metcalfe (Northcliffe Golf Club) |
David Mills (Cleckheaton & District Golf Club) |
Michael Morris (Bracken Ghyll Golf Club) |
David Murgatroyd (Headley Golf Club) |
Stephen Parkinson (Bradford Golf Club) |
Gerry Pearson (West Bradford Golf Club) |
Stan Perkin (Branshaw Golf Club) |
Graham Reeve (Headley Golf Club) |
Ivan Rhodes (Ghyll Golf Club) |
Colin Robinson (Northcliffe Golf Club) |
David A Robinson (Cleckheaton & District Golf Club) |
Stuart Rogers (Northcliffe Golf Club) |
Jimmy M Sidney (Clayton Golf Club) |
Alan Speak (Skipton Golf Club) |
Tony Spivey (Bradford Moor Golf Club) |
Martin Sugden (Headley Golf Club) |
Paul Swithenbank (Baildon Golf Club) |
Geoffrey Taylor (Keighley Golf Club) |
Philip Tedder (Bracken Ghyll Golf Club) |
Howard Thorpe (Bingley St Ives Golf Club Ltd Golf Club) |
Graham Town (Woodhall Hills Golf Club) |
Andrew Waite (Northcliffe Golf Club) |
Steve Warner (West Bradford Golf Club) |
John Watts (Bradford Golf Club) |
Colin M. Whittaker (Headley Golf Club) |
Tony Wilkinson (Clayton Golf Club) |
Michael Winterburn (Northcliffe Golf Club) |
John Woodhead (Baildon Golf Club) |
Alex Wormald (Headley Golf Club) |
John Yeadon (Ben Rhydding Golf Club) |